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At this time all of my tunes require a license from HPTuners, LLC.  For most of the vehicles supported by HPTuners, single vehicle licenses cost $99.98 (2 HPTuners credits at $49.99 each).  A full list of the vehicles supported and the number of HPTuners credits required for each vehicle can be found at  For heavily modified vehicles, upgrading to an HPTuners specialized computer program (as opposed to the data parameter changes the base vehicle license allows) is recommended and these upgrades require additional HPTuners license credits.  More information on these upgrade computer programs can be found on HPTuners web site.

Besides the licensing cost, the cost for my time / expertise is added.  This amount can vary quite a bit based upon what the customer is interested in changing in the tune, whether just a tweak to the tune is required or a full tune build-up is needed.  Extreme examples are tweaking a stock truck tune for larger tires to fix speedometer and transmission shift-point issues, to fixing a tune done by another tuner on a heavily modified vehicle who locked the tune, rendering it such I can't download it from the vehicle and just change selected parameters.  The cost range between these examples are $150 for the bigger tire example ($99.98 for the license plus $50.02 for my time), and $600 for the full-tune build from scratch.

Optionally, the customer may be interested in purchasing their own HPTuners tuning interface.  Hoosier Performance Tuner LLC is an authorized reseller of HPTuners products, hardware and software.  Our reseller agreement with HPTuners requires us to sell their products at their retail list prices, but we can offer a discount to our tuning services if an HPTuners interface is purchased through Hoosier Performance Tuner LLC.

A nice advantage to our customers is that each interface comes with $399.92 of license credits that the interface owner can apply as they wish.  (Note that the licenses that come with each interface are all for GM products, all for Ford products, or all for Mopar products, per the customer's order.  This does not limit though what additional product licenses can be purchased for any of these interfaces.) 


Therefore for most applications each interface can tune 4 vehicles.  This may be of interest to customers interested in tuning multiple vehicles, or to a group of friends who want jointly purchase an interface.  The standard interface cost is $499, the Pro version is $649.  The added features of the Pro version include the ability to log data to its internal memory vice requiring a laptop to be running in the vehicle recording data.  This is definitely preferable when one wishes to record performance data at the track.  I can record roughly an hour of data with my Pro interface.  The second added feature of the Pro interface is the ability to record analog data signals from a variety of external data sources, one favorite being wideband oxygen sensor data for dialing in a desired Air Fuel Ratio (AFR).

I don't ever consider a customer's tune as "done", if for no other reason, particularly for a vehicle driven year-round, the temperature variations a vehicle is expected to operate over in this part of the country.  If a customer mods their vehicle after I've done a tune I will require compensation for changes, but if the vehicle isn't modified after I've done a tune I will support tweaking the tune to address any issues that my arise.  If a customer has their own interface I can send updates to the customer via email (customers can also send me recorded data from the vehicle) and make relatively simple changes much more quickly than if a mutually beneficial time needs to be scheduled to make a change.

There are several things to consider regarding what any particular tune will cost.  My intention with this web page is to give potential customers an idea of what their cost may be.  I am happy to discuss with potential customers what they are needing and what I would require $-wise to get them to where they want to be.  After reading this page please contact me for what it would take to tune your vehicle - please go to the contact page for info on how to start that discussion.

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